Background literature in support of Nature-based Solutions
- Natural Climate Solutions: nature can deliver immediate impact in Canada's fight to tackle the climate crisis
- Natural climate solutions (Griscom et al., 2017)
- Natural Climate Solutions for Canada (Drever et al., 2021)
- Core principles for successfully implementing and upscaling Nature-based Solutions (Cohen-Sacham et al., 2019)
- Nature-based solutions: Indigenous-led Conservation and Carbon Storage in Canada (Townsend and Craig, 2020)
- Enhancing Canada's Climate Change Ambitions with Natural Climate Solutions (Smith, 2020)
- The super effect of nature-based solutions in land management for enhancing ecosystem services (Keesstra et al., 2018)
- Nature-based solutions can help cool the planet - if we act now (Girardin et al., 2021)
- Nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation in urban areas: linkages between science, policy and practice (Kabisch et al., 2017)
- The superior effect of nature based solutions in land management for enhancing ecosystem services (Keesstra et al., 2018)
- Biodiversity-productivity relationships are key to nature-based climate solutions (Mori et al., 2021)
- Understanding the value and limits of nature-based solutions to climate change and other global challenges (Seddon et al., 2019)
- Global recognition of the importance of nature-based solutions to the impacts of climate change (Seddon et al., 2020)
- Grounding nature-based climate solutions in sound biodiversity science (Seddon et al., 2019)
Conservation Policy Strategies
- A Global Mitigation Hierarchy for Nature Conservation (Arlidge et al. 2018)
- Transforming conservation in Canada: shifting policies and paradigms (Beazley and Olive, 2021)
- Protecting wetlands for people: Strategic policy action can help wetlands mitigate risks and enhance resilience (Endter-Wada et al., 2020)
- Linking the influence and dependence of people on biodiversity across scales (Isbell et al., 2017)
- The meaning of net zero and how to get it right (Frankhauser et al., 2022)
Decolonial Conservation
- A spatial overview of the global importance of Indigenous lands for conservation (Garnett et al., 2018)
- Decolonizing transformations through ‘right relations’ (Gram-Hanssen et al., 2021)
- Stop ringing the alarm; it is time to get out of the building (Masuda et al., 2020)
- Indigenous environmental justice and sustainability (McGregor et al., 2020)
- Indigenous Peoples are critical to the success of nature-based solutions to climate change (Townsend et al., 2020)
- Too late for Indigenous climate justice: Ecological and relational tipping points (Whyte, 2019)
Nature Based Climate Change Solution Case Studies
- Quantifying flood mitigation services: The economic value of Otter Creek wetlands and floodplains to MIddlebury, VT (Watson et al., 2016)
- The rise of moose co-management and integration of Indigenous Knowledge (Popp et al., 2018)
- Predicting the likelihood of a desirable ecological regime shift: A case study in Cootes Paradise marsh, Lake Ontario, Ontario, Canada (Yang et al., 2020)
Here you will find research and resources to support the adoption of inclusive leadership for your organization, effort or community while honouring all strengths and assets, and reducing risks and cultural appropriation.
Bioregionalism. Efforts based on geological boundaries.
To support sustainable and community based environmental stewardship- these links below support bioregionalism in action!
- A framework for regional cooperation. workingacrossboundaries
- Building a New Movement. Whole communities and land conservation
- confluence. towards whole community conservation
- Cooperatives and Sustainable Development
- Cooperatives mode of rural governance
- Governance principles for protected areas
- Learning to think. Bioregionalisim
- peace_or_pacification.collaboration across the great divide
- Rural Cooperatives and Sustainable Economic Development
Project/Organization Structures: Cooperation. Collaboration. Social Enterprises
- Beyond Collaboration
- Collaboration Risks
- comparing member based networks with social economy
- constellation governance
- Firms, nonprofits cooperatives- A Theory of Choice
- In search of strategic solutions. structure
- Measuring and mapping social enterprise impacts
- Real Collaboration - A Guide for Grantmakers
- Research on the Economic Impacts of Collaboration
- Spillovers from Cooperative and Democratic Workplaces
- Strategic restructuring-alliances in nonprofits22
- North_Etobicoke_LIP_Collaboration_Toolkit
Good Governance and Decision Making
- board_game. New rules for mulitlateral governance
- Building policy partnerships
- CSAE speech 2008 on governance principles
- decision making in cooperatives
- Governance principles for protected areas
- Good Governance. Aboriginal perspectives
- Reconciling western and First Nation principles
- See below on how we make good decisions:
Principles and Best Practises
- Around the Circle in 365 days- Best practices and Talking Circles. The Land Between charity
- environmental_pluralism
- Best Practises for Aboriginal Board Healing
- Cooperative principles
- Diversity in Environmentalism. Building Capacity
- Due Diligence funding tool
- peace_or_pacification.collaboration across the great divide
- principles for good governance
- reconciling IOG and First Nations governance principles
- Strategic Concepts for Cooperatives. Principles and Practices
Talking Circles as Inclusive Leadership
- Around the Circle in 365 days
- six-traits-of-inclusive-leadership. Deloltte University Press
- Forging Inclusive Solutions. Earth charter. sustainable solutions
- IX- Inclusive Leadership Adventures. Exploring the earth charter
- Lifelong learning. Holding community dialogues
- six traits of inclusive leadership
- Talking Circles for Learning and Leadership
- Talking Stick Circle. An ancient tool. How to
- Talking_circles guide.ethical leadership
- talking-circles used for disaster management. effectivness of circles
- The role of inclusive governance. Water issues
- Towards_inclusivegovernance
- teaching_ecological First Nations and the land